Form repair order

Repair order for power supplies (fillable online)

Repair Order Form for power suppliesPlease fill in the PDF form “Repair order” completely online, sign it and put it in the package with the defective power supply. Then send it well-padded, anti-static and securely packed to the post office.

Please fill out carefully online at the browser (e.g. with Chrome browser, JavaScript must be enabled for this function).
In some older browsers or with other browser settings, the PDF is only offered as a download. In that case, please open it on your computer anyway, fill it out on screen, save it, print it out and sign it.

get Adobe Acrobat-ReaderAlternatively, you can download Adobe Acrobat Reader and save the PDF to your computer. Then fill it out using the installed Acrobat Reader.
Then save the completed PDF form, print it and add signature with company stamp.

Sending from a third country

If you are shipping one or more power supplies to us from a third country, please clearly note on the customs declaration that it is an active finishing service.

Please do not declare your shipment with a fictitious product value. Because in fact your defective device has a value of zero euros. And that is precisely because it is defective and thus has a scrap value.
Remember that your item should go through customs as quickly and inexpensively as possible for you, otherwise this will delay the timely receipt of your shipment.
We will not mark your item as a gift or pay customs fees when you return it. These fees are always the responsibility of the buyer. Please check with your country’s customs office for additional charges before purchasing.

Customs clearances and delays vary from country to country and are beyond our control as a service provider.
We always try to choose the fastest, safest and most cost effective way for you.